Monday, November 20, 2006

that black curtain of despair

this is how i feel right now, worthless and destined to fall
into bits and pieces crushed by the mighty and tall. Alone, deserted,far and neglected,these are all that matters to me.

I go to a home that is filled with misunderstanding and hate, it revolves in it's own empty space, its occupants oblivious to its lifeless state. Just like my world, this four-walled household is in despair, is repair on its way? Or are they even mindful of it? I doubt.

I walk amidst a sea of people everyday but I feel so alone. They walk with reality, foot on the ground and I, in suspended air, in a grey passage, in what seems to be a hollow and endless path. My sensitivity answers to my numbness. I can understand the pain the world gave, I carry it with me everyday, I absorb it, I feel it, I am one with it that I don't notice it anymore, I am numb to the piercing pain that the world gave me. Do they ever wonder that I carry a burden too?

I am slowly dying in the dark, i wonder if I'll ever get healed. I pray to see the brightness of hope again.